Family culture and the secret to a happy homeschool
We snuck away for quick camping trip this weekend, as kind of a last hurrah before school starts. I’m always so glad when I push past the temporary hassle of pulling something like this together and just go for it. You know what I mean?
It’s always worth it. Always. It adds so much to our family culture.
I talk about family culture in my book on homeschooling because it really is the backbone of our whole system.
Our whole system.
I’m certainly not seamless in keeping our culture on track, you should know. My failures are many.
But the trying? That’s the secret: The trying IS the culture. The trying IS the thing.
And all that comes with it, too: Our self-corrections, our noble attempts, our laughter, our forgiveness. It’s our culture.
It’s our backbone.
And most of the time it’s a lot like trying to get your kids and dogs to pose for a pic together.
Do you know!?
But every day, we get up and try again. And we look for the bright side (despite waves of evidence to the contrary).
And we keep on trying.
We keep on.
Keep trying.
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